Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ubuntu's OpenGL face browser will bring bling to GDM

Developer Mirco Müller is designing a new login manager for Ubuntu that will use the OpenGL-based clutter library to provide a richer user interface with animations.

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Massive Desktop Linux deployment (52 MILLION new users!)

KDE on Linux has stepped up to become the software platform in the primary school education system in Brazil. That may sound like a bold claim, but the numbers are staggering and speak for themselves....

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1337! 5 Killer PC Games playable on Ubuntu: Hardy Heron

Is hell officially freezing over? Can it be that its actually being easy to game on Linux?! Here are 5 PC games that you can EASILY play on the upcoming Ubuntu release: Hardy Heron. Links to some valuable Ubuntu gaming resources are given at the end.

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PolishLinux KDE 4.1 Preview (Rev 802150)

Our favorite Polish (p)reviewer (p)reviews. In this (p)review, Plasma has gone under major API changes and is still a bit wonky, Dolphin gets tabs (hell yeah!), Phonon gets a Gstreamer backend, KWin gets wobbly windows (hell yeah!), and KInfoCenter and K3b get KDE4 ports. KDE 4.1 will be sure to blow your mind.

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